Rein in Back-to-School Chaos: 5 Tips to Stay Organized

Rein in Back-to-School Chaos: 5 Tips to Stay Organized

  • Stafford Family Realtors
  • 08/13/24

As summer winds down, the back-to-school season brings a mix of excitement and let’s face it – anxiety.  You need a game plan to navigate the shift from the laid-back days of summer to the more structured routines necessary for the academic year. With a little planning, you can achieve back-to-school nirvana and lay the groundwork for a successful school year.

  1. Establish a Family Calendar

At the core of your organizational system, spend some time creating a calendar system that works for your family. Whether it’s a large, easy-to-read wall calendar or a digital version, take the time to set it up early so you can work through any kinks and acclimate everyone. Use it to track school events, extracurricular activities and family commitments. Once school starts, you can also use the calendar to block out time for homework.

  1. Create a Study Space

Designate a quiet, clutter-free area in your home as a dedicated study space. Be sure it has ample lighting and is stocked with all the essentials like pens, notebooks, a calculator and a computer. Invite your child to personalize the space to make it more inviting and conducive to studying.

  1. Don’t to Start a Morning Routine

Mornings are always crazy, but that first week back can be brutal! Ease the pain by implementing an earlier bedtime a few weeks before school begins. Everyone’s internal clock will get a reset, cutting down on the challenges that come with sleep-deprived students. Encourage your child to prepare as much as possible the night before by laying out clothes and loading a backpack.

  1. Gather School Supplies

Start by reviewing the school’s supply list and then check which items you may already have at home. To keep costs down, take advantage of any back-to-school sales. Involve your child in the process to build excitement about the coming new school year.

  1. Stay Informed

Regularly check school websites and teacher communications for other updates – especially if you have students at more than one school. Remember to sign up for any teacher communication or text lists to stay informed throughout the school year.

Getting organized for the back-to-school season doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You can set the stage for success by investing a little time during the final weeks of summer to get organized and gather supplies.


Originally posted by Coldwell Banker Blue Matter. By Jennifer McGuire – June 28, 2024

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